Source code for

import functools
import os
import urllib.parse
import enum
import subprocess
import datetime

import git

from .master import Runnable, Constructible, Artefactor, Dependency, WrapperRun
from .master import master as global_master
from .config import config
from .utils import listify, min_datetime, max_datetime

except AttributeError:
	from .subprocess_run import run = run

[docs]def build(depends=None, master=None): def decorator(f): b = Build(f, depends=depends) nonlocal master if master is None: master = global_master @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(): master.register(b, wrapper) return wrapper return decorator
[docs]class Build(Dependency, Constructible, Artefactor, WrapperRun, Runnable):
[docs] class Constructor(Dependency.ResolveConstructor, Artefactor.Constructor, Constructible.Constructor): @property def dependencies(self): return self._obj.dependencies
[docs] def source(self, source): self._obj._sources.append(source) return source
[docs] def builder(self, builder): self._obj._builders.append(builder) return builder
def __init__(self, constructor_func, depends=None): super(Build, self).__init__() self._sources = list() self._builders = list() self.constructor_func(constructor_func) self.depends(*listify(depends, none_empty=True)) def _run(self): all_change_info = ChangeInfo( ChangeInfo.Status.UNCHANGED, min_datetime, ) for source in self._sources: change_info = source.scan() if change_info.status is ChangeInfo.Status.UNCHANGED: pass elif change_info.status is ChangeInfo.Status.UNKNOWN: if all_change_info.status is not ChangeInfo.Status.CHANGED: all_change_info.status = ChangeInfo.Status.UNKNOWN elif change_info.status is ChangeInfo.Status.CHANGED: all_change_info.status = ChangeInfo.Status.CHANGED all_change_info.last_changed = max( all_change_info.last_changed, change_info.last_changed, ) last_built = min(map(lambda x: x.last_built(), self._builders), default=min_datetime) if (all_change_info.status is ChangeInfo.Status.CHANGED or last_built < all_change_info.last_changed): for builder in self._builders:
[docs]class ChangeInfo(object): """Comprises information about the state of changes of a Source. A ChangeInfo-like object is returned by ``Source.scan()``. Attributes: status (ChangeInfo.Status): Conveys any knowledge the Source has about whether changes have taken place. A Source may set ``status`` to ``CHANGED``, when it changed its files directly, e.g. pulled from a remote source, etc. ``UNCHANGED`` may be set, when a version management system did not perform an update, ``UNKNOWN`` is the general case. last_changed (datetime.datetime): Date and time of the last change which took place in the Source. Generally only changes to a file's content are regarded as change. """
[docs] class Status(enum.Enum): UNKNOWN = 0 UNCHANGED = 1 CHANGED = 2
def __init__(self, status, last_changed): super(ChangeInfo, self).__init__() self.status = status self.last_changed = last_changed
[docs]class Source(object):
[docs] def scan(self): """Perform a scan over the source set and return change info. **Must** be implemented by inheriting classes. Returns: ChangeInfo: An object adhering to the ChangeInfo documentation. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def local_path(self): """Return the (base) path to the source on the local file system. **Must** be implemented by inheriting classes. Returns: str: The absolute path to the Source's local base directory. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Local(Source): """docstring for Local""" def __init__(self, path): super(Local, self).__init__() self.path = path self._local_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path))
[docs] def scan(self): last_time = min_datetime for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self._local_path, followlinks=True): for file in files: info = os.stat(os.path.join(self.path, root, file)) time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(info.st_mtime, tz=datetime.timezone.utc) if time > last_time: last_time = time if last_time == min_datetime: last_time = max_datetime return ChangeInfo(ChangeInfo.Status.UNKNOWN, last_time)
[docs] def local_path(self): return self._local_path
[docs]class GitRepo(Source): """docstring for GitRepo Args: url (str): Remote URL of the repository branch (str): Branch of the remote repository to use, default: "master" Configuration Options: * ``repos_path``: Path to local directory which repositories are downloaded to, defaults to `default_repos_path` * ``identity_file``: Path to an (SSH) identity file for authentication * ``identity_content``: Content of an (SSH) identity file for authentication Todo: * identity_file support * improve git url parsing (ports, path) * support sub-paths in repo * support submodules, ... * implement reset method? """ default_repos_path = "~/bjec/repos" """See configuration option ``repos_path``.""" def __init__(self, url, branch="master"): super(GitRepo, self).__init__() self.url = url self.branch = branch self.repo = None self._local_path = None self._parse_url()
[docs] def scan(self): unchanged = self._try_fetch() if unchanged: status = ChangeInfo.Status.UNCHANGED else: status = ChangeInfo.Status.CHANGED return ChangeInfo( status, self.repo.commit().committed_datetime, )
[docs] def local_path(self): return self._local_path
def _parse_url(self): url = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.url) url_path = url.path split_ext = os.path.splitext(url_path) url_path = split_ext[0] if split_ext[1] == ".git" else url_path self._local_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.expanduser( config[GitRepo].get("repos_path", self.default_repos_path) ), url.netloc, url_path.lstrip("/"), )) def _create_repo_structure(self): try: os.makedirs(self._local_path) except FileExistsError: pass def _ensure_repo(self): """Ensures that the repository is properly set up. Ensures the local repository exists with the specified branch and that tracking with the remote is configured. Performs the initial clone, if necessary. May also fetch from the remote if the branch is changed. Returns: bool: If any changes were made, False is returned, otherwise True. """ unchanged = True try: self.repo = git.Repo(self._local_path) remote = self.repo.remote() if remote.url != self.url: remote.set_url(self.url) unchanged = False except git.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError: self.repo = git.Repo.init(self._local_path) remote = self.repo.create_remote("origin", self.url) unchanged = False assert remote.exists() if self.branch not in self.repo.heads: remote.fetch() assert self.branch in remote.refs local_branch = self.repo.create_head( self.branch, remote.refs[self.branch] ) unchanged = False else: local_branch = self.repo.heads[self.branch] if local_branch.tracking_branch() != remote.refs[self.branch]: local_branch.set_tracking_branch(remote.refs[self.branch]) unchanged = False return unchanged def _try_fetch(self): self._create_repo_structure() unchanged = self._ensure_repo() fetch_info = self.repo.remote().fetch() if fetch_info[0].commit != self.repo.heads[self.branch].commit: self.repo.remote().pull() unchanged = False if not unchanged: self.repo.heads[self.branch].checkout() return unchanged
[docs]class Builder(object):
[docs] def build(self): """ **Must** be implemented by inheriting classes. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def last_built(self): """ **Must** be implemented by inheriting classes. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Make(Builder): """docstring for Make Args: path (str): Path to the directory containing the Makefile target (str or list of str, optional): make target(s) to execute creates (str or list of str, optional): File path(s) created by make, may be absolute (starting with "/") or relative to `path` clean_first (bool, optional): When True, call `clean()` before starting to build (`clean_target` must be given) clean_target (str or list of str, optional): make target(s) to execute for cleaning Configuration Options: * ``environment``: Map of environment variables passed to the make call """ def __init__(self, path, target=None, creates=None, clean_first=False, clean_target=None): super(Make, self).__init__() self.path = path = target self.creates = creates self.clean_first = clean_first self.clean_target = clean_target self._has_run = False
[docs] def build(self): if self.clean_first: self.clean() args = ["make"] env = config[Make].get("environment") if env is not None: t = dict(os.environ) t.update(env) env = t if is not None: args += listify( args, cwd=self.path, env=env, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, check=True, ) self._has_run = True
[docs] def last_built(self): """ Returns: datetime.datetime: The earliest mtime of any file in `creates`. If `creates` is None, empty or None of the files exist, datetime.datetime.min (aware, i.e. with added tzinfo) is returned. """ if self.creates is None: return min_datetime first_time = max_datetime for f_p in listify(self.creates): try: info = os.stat(os.path.join(self.path, f_p)) time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(info.st_mtime, tz=datetime.timezone.utc) if time < first_time: first_time = time except FileNotFoundError: pass if first_time == max_datetime: return min_datetime return first_time
[docs] def clean(self): if self.clean_target is None: raise NotImplementedError( "Can't perform clean: No 'clean_target' parameter given" ) args = ["make"] + listify(self.clean_target) env = config[Make].get("environment") if env is not None: t = dict(os.environ) t.update(env) env = t args, cwd=self.path, env=env, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, check=True, )
[docs] def result(self): # Make might not have been called, because there have been no changes # the files' source. # if not self._has_run or self.creates is None: if self.creates is None: return None r = list(map( lambda p: os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.path, p)), listify(self.creates) )) if len(r) == 1: return r[0] else: return r