Source code for bjec.process

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from io import TextIOBase, BufferedIOBase
from os import environ, fspath, PathLike
from shutil import copyfileobj
from typing import cast, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
from typing_extensions import Protocol

from .io import PathType, PrimitivePathType, resolve_abs_path, resolve_writable, Writeable, WriteableFromPath
from .params import ensure_multi_iterable, IterableResolvable, MappingResolvable, ParamSet, resolve, resolve_iterable, resolve_mapping, Resolvable

"""This module provides the Process abstraction for users and implementers.

Perhaps the most common use case of bjec is the execution of a program. Each
parameter set leads to a distinct execution of a process running the program.
Different runners may implement the execution of processes, hence there is a
common Process abstraction which can be supported by runners.

    * Specify the effect of ``create`` on the files presented to the process.
        Achieve this by clearing up naming (files presented to process through
        ``P('__file_NAME')`` and persistent files).
        ``create=False`` ensures that the file is deleted before running the
        process at the moment.
    * Should umask be enforced on existing files?
    * Simplify file accessor interfaces by removing open_text? This can easily
        be substituted with an io.TextIOWrapper (which is what open() does).
    * Run time (and resource consumption) extension. Could use /usr/bin/time or
        information exposed by a batch system.
    * Meta-data which can be passed with files etc. and which can be
        interpreted by the implementer, especially for file specific
    * From MappingResolvable for environment variables etc.
    * Input file reading through result objects
    * Specify behaviour on repeated calls for each fluid method.
    * Append / prepend to env var
    * Failure specification and handling: user function deciding on failure by
        receiving a result (failure state not yet known...), specify common
        handling, i.e. repeat execution x times on failure.
    * Process could be extended to support interacting with the process's file
        descriptors dynamically.
    * Exception types for inconsistencies which are part of the public
        interface and clear and consistent error messages.
    * ProcessFailedError or ExecutionFailedError with temporary field which can
        be used by implementers and users (through failure_mode).
        Another error type which signals that an instantiation failed from a
        high-level view (taking retries and mitigation into account).

_EnvVar = Tuple[Resolvable[str], Resolvable[str]]
_StackEnvVar = Tuple[Resolvable[str], Optional[Resolvable[str]]]

_T = TypeVar('_T')

[docs]class Environment(object):
[docs] class Fluid(object): def __init__(self) -> None: # Each element in the stack represents a set of variables modified # by one mutating method. ``None`` as a variable's value takes a # special role, it unsets a variable. # # The stack can be collapsed while remaining ParamSet-Evaluable. # This includes unsetting of variables set by earlier # calls. # # However, unsetting can only fully be determined at params # evaluation time. This would require Environment to store a stack # of functions, where each function accepts the current dict and # either # a) returns a modified copy or # b) passes the dict to the next function. (middleware style) # In this case Fluid could probably be folded into Environment. self._stack: List[List[_StackEnvVar]] = []
[docs] def from_environment(self, environment: 'Environment') -> 'Environment.Fluid': return self + environment._variables
[docs] def inherit( self, blacklist: Iterable[str] = set(), whitelist: Iterable[str] = set(), ) -> 'Environment.Fluid': blacklist_set = set(blacklist) whitelist_set = set(whitelist) if len(blacklist_set) > 0 and len(whitelist_set) > 0: raise Exception('Cannot specify both a blacklist and a whitelist') it: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] = environ.items() if len(blacklist_set) > 0: it = filter(lambda item: item[0] not in blacklist_set, it) if len(whitelist_set) > 0: it = filter(lambda item: item[0] in whitelist_set, it) return self + it
[docs] def set(self, **variables: Resolvable[str]) -> 'Environment.Fluid': """ Use __add__ if the keys must be ParamsEvaluable or the variables are available as an iterable. """ return self + variables.items()
[docs] def unset(self, *variables: Resolvable[str]) -> 'Environment.Fluid': return self.unset_from_iterable(variables)
[docs] def unset_from_iterable(self, variables: Iterable[Resolvable[str]]) -> 'Environment.Fluid': return self + ((variable, None) for variable in variables)
def __add__(self, other: Iterable[_StackEnvVar]) -> 'Environment.Fluid': """ ``None`` leads to the variable being unset. """ return Environment.Fluid._with_stack(self._stack + [list(other)])
[docs] def build(self) -> 'Environment': flat_variables: List[_EnvVar] = list() for variables in self._stack: for key, value in variables: if value is None: flat_variables = list(filter(lambda var: var[0] != key, flat_variables)) else: flat_variables = list(filter(lambda var: var[0] != key, flat_variables)) flat_variables.append((key, value)) return Environment(flat_variables)
@classmethod def _with_stack(cls, stack: List[List[_StackEnvVar]]) -> 'Environment.Fluid': fluid: 'Environment.Fluid' = Environment.Fluid() fluid._stack = stack return fluid
def __init__(self, variables: Iterable[_EnvVar]) -> None: self._variables: List[_EnvVar] = list(variables)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> Dict[str, str]: return { resolve(key, params): resolve(value, params) for key, value in self._variables }
[docs]class Process(object): """Process template which may contain parameter reference. *Implementer* refers to a component which interprets a Process instance and executes a program accordingly for each ParamSet. It then constructs a Result which is treated as the result for each ParamSet. Implementers should receive the information about a process execution through :meth:`Process.with_params()`. All fields are resolved and simplified as far as possible through property accessors in :obj:`Process.WithParams`. Regarding all file related methods of the Fluid builder: Further configuration options may be made available as part of an implementer's configuration. This might include details such as the directory for temporary files, the temporary file class to use, buffering details, network transfer options, ... Lifecycle: Construction using Fluid. Passing to processor / runner. Deferred result passing to following stages (linked to process instance? this could perform checking, e.g. is stdout available?). Process execution for each ParamSet. Construction and return of a Result instance. Finish of result processing (causes cleanup) after the following stage is done with the Result instance. """
[docs] class Fluid(object): def __init__(self) -> None: self._stack: List[Callable[[Process], None]] = []
[docs] def cmd(self, cmd: Resolvable[str]) -> 'Process.Fluid': """Sets the command to be executed. The command has to be set, a process cannot execute without setting this. If unset, :meth:`Process.validate()` will raise. How the command is resolved to a path is up to the implementer. """ def f(p: Process) -> None: p._cmd = cmd return self + f
[docs] def args(self, *args: Resolvable[str]) -> 'Process.Fluid': """Sets the argument list with which the process is started. Paths of input and output files are available during evaluation as ``P('__file_NAME')``. """ def f(p: Process) -> None: p._args = args return self + f
[docs] def args_from_iterable(self, args: IterableResolvable[str]) -> 'Process.Fluid': """Sets the argument list with which the process is started. Paths of input and output files are available during evaluation as ``P('__file_NAME')``. """ args_list = ensure_multi_iterable(args) def f(p: Process) -> None: p._args = args_list return self + f
[docs] def working_directory(self, dir: Optional[Resolvable[str]]) -> 'Process.Fluid': """Sets the working directory of the process. If unset, implementers may execute in any directory. """ def f(p: Process) -> None: p._working_directory = dir return self + f
[docs] def environment(self, environment: MappingResolvable[str, str]) -> 'Process.Fluid': """Sets the environment variables of the process. The recommended way of constructing an environment is the :obj:`Environment` type. It can be built through a fluid interface via :obj:`Environment.Fluid`. Paths of input and output files are available during evaluation as ``P('__file_NAME')``. """ def f(p: Process) -> None: p._environment = environment return self + f
[docs] def connect_stdin( self, source: Optional[Resolvable[Union[Writeable, str, bytes]]] = None, path: Optional[Resolvable[PathType]] = None, must_not_exist: bool = True, create_parents: bool = False, mode: int = 0o666, cleanup_after_finish: bool = False, ) -> 'Process.Fluid': """Configures a file to connect to the process's stdin. Args: source: Source of the file's content. Use :obj:`WriteableFromPath` to refer to a file in the file system. The value ``None`` is the same as specifying an empty file. path: If not ``None`` the file is made available at this path when the result is yielded. Otherwise the implementer may use a temporary file. must_not_exist: If ``True`` the execution is considered failed if the file already exists before the process is started. This is evaluated before the process is started and before the file is created from ``source``. Only considered if ``path`` is not ``None``, as otherwise the implementer manages the file. create_parents: If ``True`` all parent directories of the file are created if non-existent. Directories are created with the default mode, disregarding the ``mode`` parameter. Only considered if ``path`` is not ``None``. mode: Mode bits of the file, see ```` for details. Only considered when ``path`` is not ``None`` and ``source`` is not ``None``. cleanup_after_finish: If ``True`` the file is deleted when the `finish` lifetime stage is reached. Only considered when ``path`` is not ``None``. """ def f(p: Process) -> None: p._stdin = Process._Stdin( source = source, path = path, must_not_exist = must_not_exist, create_parents = create_parents, mode = mode, cleanup_after_finish = cleanup_after_finish, ) return self + f
[docs] def capture_stdout( self, capture: bool = True, path: Optional[Resolvable[PathType]] = None, must_not_exist: bool = True, create_parents: bool = False, mode: int = 0o666, cleanup_after_finish: bool = False, ) -> 'Process.Fluid': """Configure whether and how stdout is captured. Args: capture: If ``True`` stdout is captured and made available in ``Result`` instances. Subsequent calls may disable capturing by setting ``False``. path: If not ``None`` the stdout is made available at this path. Otherwise the implementer may use a temporary file or store content in-memory. must_not_exist: If ``True`` the execution is considered failed if the file already exists before the process is started. This is evaluated before the process is started. Only considered if ``path`` is not ``None``, as otherwise the implementer manages the file. create_parents: If ``True`` all parent directories of the file are created if non-existent. Directories are created with the default mode, disregarding the ``mode`` parameter. Only considered if ``path`` is not ``None``. mode: Mode bits of the file, see ```` for details. Only considered when ``path`` is not ``None``. cleanup_after_finish: If ``True`` the stdout file is deleted when the `finish` lifetime stage is reached. Only considered when ``path`` is not ``None``. Raises: ValueError: If the combination of arguments is not valid. """ if not capture and path is not None: raise ValueError('A file path was passed but stdout is not supposed to be captured') def f(p: Process) -> None: p._stdout = Process._Stdout( capture = capture, path = path, must_not_exist = must_not_exist, create_parents = create_parents, mode = mode, cleanup_after_finish = cleanup_after_finish, ) return self + f
[docs] def capture_stderr( self, capture: bool = True, path: Optional[Resolvable[PathType]] = None, must_not_exist: bool = True, create_parents: bool = False, mode: int = 0o666, cleanup_after_finish: bool = False, ) -> 'Process.Fluid': """Configure whether and how stderr is captured. Args: capture: If ``True`` stderr is captured and made available in ``Result`` instances. Subsequent calls may disable capturing by setting ``False``. path: If not ``None`` the stderr is made available at this path. Otherwise the implementer may use a temporary file or store content in-memory. must_not_exist: If ``True`` the execution is considered failed if the file already exists before the process is started. This is evaluated before the process is started. Only considered if ``path`` is not ``None``, as otherwise the implementer manages the file. create_parents: If ``True`` all parent directories of the file are created if non-existent. Directories are created with the default mode, disregarding the ``mode`` parameter. Only considered if ``path`` is not ``None``. mode: Mode bits of the file, see ```` for details. Only considered when ``path`` is not ``None``. cleanup_after_finish: If ``True`` the stderr file is deleted when the `finish` lifetime stage is reached. Only considered when ``path`` is not ``None``. Raises: ValueError: If the combination of arguments is not valid. """ if not capture and path is not None: raise ValueError('A file path was passed but stderr is not supposed to be captured') def f(p: Process) -> None: p._stderr = Process._Stdout( capture = capture, path = path, must_not_exist = must_not_exist, create_parents = create_parents, mode = mode, cleanup_after_finish = cleanup_after_finish, ) return self + f
[docs] def add_input_file( self, name: str, source: Resolvable[Union[Writeable, str, bytes]], path: Optional[Resolvable[PathType]] = None, must_not_exist: bool = True, create_parents: bool = False, mode: int = 0o666, cleanup_after_finish: bool = False, ) -> 'Process.Fluid': """Adds an input file to the Process. Args: name: Name through which the file is available for referencing. The file's path is available as ``P('__file_NAME')`` during evaluation of all ``ParamsEvaluable`` constructs of the ``Process``. If an input file with this name already exists, its configuration is overwritten. The same name must not be used for an input file and an output file, :meth:`Process.validate` will raise if this is the case. source: Source of the file's content. Use :obj:`WriteableFromPath` to refer to a file in the file system. path: If not ``None`` the input file is made available at this path when the result is yielded. Otherwise the implementer may use a temporary file. must_not_exist: If ``True`` the execution is considered failed if the file already exists before the process is started. This is evaluated before the process is started and before the file is created from ``source``. Only considered if ``path`` is not ``None``, as otherwise the implementer manages the file. create_parents: If ``True`` all parent directories of the file are created if non-existent. Directories are created with the default mode, disregarding the ``mode`` parameter. Only considered if ``path`` is not ``None``. mode: Mode bits of the file, see ```` for details. Only considered when ``path`` is not ``None`` and ``source`` is not ``None``. cleanup_after_finish: If ``True`` the input file is deleted when the `finish` lifetime stage is reached. Only considered when ``path`` is not ``None``. Todo: * Specify suffix for the file path in ``P('__file_NAME')``. Relevant, as some programs interpret the file ending. """ def f(p: Process) -> None: p._input_files[name] = Process._InputFile( name = name, source = source, path = path, must_not_exist = must_not_exist, create_parents = create_parents, mode = mode, cleanup_after_finish = cleanup_after_finish, ) return self + f
[docs] def remove_input_file(self, name: str) -> 'Process.Fluid': """Removes an input file from the Process by name. """ def f(p: Process) -> None: del p._input_files[name] return self + f
[docs] def add_output_file( self, name: str, path: Optional[Resolvable[PathType]] = None, must_not_exist: bool = True, create: bool = True, create_parents: bool = False, mode: int = 0o666, cleanup_after_finish: bool = False, ) -> 'Process.Fluid': """Adds an output file to the Process. Args: name: Name through which the file is available for referencing. The file's path is available as ``P('__file_NAME')`` during evaluation of all ``ParamsEvaluable`` constructs of the ``Process``. If an output file with this name already exists, its configuration is overwritten. The same name must not be used for an input file and an output file, :meth:`Process.validate` will raise if this is the case. path: If not ``None`` the output file is made available at this path when the result is yielded. Otherwise the implementer may use a temporary file. must_not_exist: If ``True`` the execution is considered failed if the file already exists before the process is started. This is evaluated before the process is started and before the file is created via ``create``. Only considered if ``path`` is not ``None``, as otherwise the implementer manages the file. If ``False`` it is considered a failure if the process did not create the file. create: If ``True`` the file is ensured to be present before the process is started. If ``False`` the file is ensured to not be present, meaning any file at the path will be deleted. create_parents: If ``True`` all parent directories of the file are created if non-existent. Directories are created with the default mode, disregarding the ``mode`` parameter. The directories are created before the process is started. Only considered if ``path`` is not ``None``. mode: Mode bits of the file, see ```` for details. Only considered when ``path`` is not ``None``. If ``create`` is ``True``, the bits are set before the process is started, otherwise after the process has finished. cleanup_after_finish: If ``True`` the output file is deleted when the `finish` lifetime stage is reached. Only considered when ``path`` is not ``None``. Todo: * Specify suffix for the file path in ``P('__file_NAME')``. Relevant, as some programs interpret the file ending. """ def f(p: Process) -> None: p._output_files[name] = Process._OutputFile( name = name, path = path, must_not_exist = must_not_exist, create = create, create_parents = create_parents, mode = mode, cleanup_after_finish = cleanup_after_finish, ) return self + f
[docs] def remove_output_file(self, name: str) -> 'Process.Fluid': """Removes an output file from the Process by name. """ def f(p: Process) -> None: del p._output_files[name] return self + f
[docs] def failure_mode( self, interpret_exit_code: Optional[Callable[[int], bool]] = None, interpret_stderr: Optional[Callable[['FileAccessor'], bool]] = None, interpret_stdout: Optional[Callable[['FileAccessor'], bool]] = None, ) -> 'Process.Fluid': """Configure when a process execution is considered to be failed. The default behaviour is to consider any execution returning a non-0 exit code as failed. If any argument is passed, this behaviour is disabled. If *any* predicate evaluates to ``True``, the execution is considered a failure. Args: interpret_exit_code: Predicate function to interpret the exit code. Return ``True`` if the exit code is considered a failure. interpret_stderr: Predicate function to interpret the stderr stream. This only works if stderr capturing is configured via :meth:`.capture_stderr`, otherwise :meth:`Process.validate` will raise. Return ``True`` if the exit code is considered a failure. interpret_stdout: Predicate function to interpret the stdout stream. This only works if stdout capturing is configured via :meth:`.capture_stdout`, otherwise :meth:`Process.validate` will raise. Return ``True`` if the exit code is considered a failure. """ def f(p: Process) -> None: p._failure_mode = Process._FailureMode( interpret_exit_code = interpret_exit_code, interpret_stderr = interpret_stderr, interpret_stdout = interpret_stdout, ) return self + f
def __add__(self, other: Callable[['Process'], None]) -> 'Process.Fluid': return Process.Fluid._with_stack(self._stack + [other])
[docs] def build(self) -> 'Process': p = Process() for f in self._stack: f(p) p.validate() return p
@classmethod def _with_stack(cls, stack: List[Callable[['Process'], None]]) -> 'Process.Fluid': fluid: 'Process.Fluid' = Process.Fluid() fluid._stack = stack return fluid
[docs] class WithParams(object): def __init__(self, process: 'Process', params: ParamSet) -> None: self._process: Process = process self._params: ParamSet = params @property def cmd(self) -> str: return resolve(self._process._cmd, self._params) @property def args(self) -> List[str]: return list(resolve_iterable(self._process._args, self._params)) @property def working_directory(self) -> Optional[str]: return resolve(self._process._working_directory, self._params) @property def environment(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return dict(resolve_mapping(self._process._environment, self._params).items()) @property def stdin(self) -> 'Process.Stdin': stdin = self._process._stdin return Process.Stdin( source = None if stdin.source is None else resolve_writable(stdin.source, self._params), path = None if stdin.path is None else resolve_abs_path(stdin.path, self._params), must_not_exist = stdin.must_not_exist, create_parents = stdin.create_parents, mode = stdin.mode, cleanup_after_finish = stdin.cleanup_after_finish, ) @property def stdout(self) -> 'Process.Stdout': stdout = self._process._stdout return Process.Stdout( capture = stdout.capture, path = None if stdout.path is None else resolve_abs_path(stdout.path, self._params), must_not_exist = stdout.must_not_exist, create_parents = stdout.create_parents, mode = stdout.mode, cleanup_after_finish = stdout.cleanup_after_finish, ) @property def stderr(self) -> 'Process.Stdout': stderr = self._process._stderr return Process.Stdout( capture = stderr.capture, path = None if stderr.path is None else resolve_abs_path(stderr.path, self._params), must_not_exist = stderr.must_not_exist, create_parents = stderr.create_parents, mode = stderr.mode, cleanup_after_finish = stderr.cleanup_after_finish, ) @property def input_files(self) -> 'List[Process.InputFile]': def r(file: 'Process._InputFile') -> 'Process.InputFile': return Process.InputFile( name =, source = resolve_writable(file.source, self._params), path = None if file.path is None else resolve_abs_path(file.path, self._params), must_not_exist = file.must_not_exist, create_parents = file.create_parents, mode = file.mode, cleanup_after_finish = file.cleanup_after_finish, ) return list(map(r, self._process._input_files.values())) @property def output_files(self) -> 'List[Process.OutputFile]': def r(file: 'Process._OutputFile') -> 'Process.OutputFile': return Process.OutputFile( name =, path = None if file.path is None else resolve_abs_path(file.path, self._params), must_not_exist = file.must_not_exist, create = file.create, create_parents = file.create_parents, mode = file.mode, cleanup_after_finish = file.cleanup_after_finish, ) return list(map(r, self._process._output_files.values())) @property def failure_mode(self) -> 'Process.FailureMode': return Process.FailureMode( interpret_exit_code = self._process._failure_mode.interpret_exit_code, interpret_stderr = self._process._failure_mode.interpret_stderr, interpret_stdout = self._process._failure_mode.interpret_stdout, )
@dataclass class _OutputFile(object): name: str path: Optional[Resolvable[PathType]] = None must_not_exist: bool = True create: bool = True create_parents: bool = False mode: int = 0o666 cleanup_after_finish: bool = False @dataclass class _InputFile(object): name: str source: Resolvable[Union[Writeable, str, bytes]] path: Optional[Resolvable[PathType]] = None must_not_exist: bool = True create_parents: bool = False mode: int = 0o666 cleanup_after_finish: bool = False @dataclass class _Stdin(object): source: Optional[Resolvable[Union[Writeable, str, bytes]]] = None path: Optional[Resolvable[PathType]] = None must_not_exist: bool = True create_parents: bool = False mode: int = 0o666 cleanup_after_finish: bool = False @dataclass class _Stdout(object): capture: bool = False path: Optional[Resolvable[PathType]] = None must_not_exist: bool = True create_parents: bool = False mode: int = 0o666 cleanup_after_finish: bool = False @dataclass class _FailureMode(object): interpret_exit_code: Optional[Callable[[int], bool]] = None interpret_stderr: Optional[Callable[['FileAccessor'], bool]] = None interpret_stdout: Optional[Callable[['FileAccessor'], bool]] = None
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class OutputFile(object): name: str path: Optional[PrimitivePathType] = None must_not_exist: bool = True create: bool = True create_parents: bool = False mode: int = 0o666 cleanup_after_finish: bool = False
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class InputFile(object): name: str source: Writeable path: Optional[PrimitivePathType] = None must_not_exist: bool = True create_parents: bool = False mode: int = 0o666 cleanup_after_finish: bool = False
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Stdin(object): source: Optional[Writeable] = None path: Optional[PrimitivePathType] = None must_not_exist: bool = True create_parents: bool = False mode: int = 0o666 cleanup_after_finish: bool = False @property def connected(self) -> bool: return self.source is not None
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Stdout(object): capture: bool = False path: Optional[PrimitivePathType] = None must_not_exist: bool = True create_parents: bool = False mode: int = 0o666 cleanup_after_finish: bool = False
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class FailureMode(object): interpret_exit_code: Optional[Callable[[int], bool]] = None interpret_stderr: Optional[Callable[['FileAccessor'], bool]] = None interpret_stdout: Optional[Callable[['FileAccessor'], bool]] = None
def __init__(self) -> None: self._cmd: Resolvable[str] = '' self._args: IterableResolvable[str] = [] self._working_directory: Optional[Resolvable[str]] = None environment: Dict[str, str] = {} self._environment: MappingResolvable[str, str] = environment self._output_files: Dict[str, Process._OutputFile] = {} self._input_files: Dict[str, Process._InputFile] = {} self._stdin: Process._Stdin = Process._Stdin() self._stdout: Process._Stdout = Process._Stdout() self._stderr: Process._Stdout = Process._Stdout() self._failure_mode: Process._FailureMode = Process._FailureMode( interpret_exit_code = lambda code: code != 0, )
[docs] def validate(self) -> None: """Raises if this instance is not complete or inconsistent. """ if self._cmd == '': raise Exception('cmd must be set.') if not self._input_files.keys().isdisjoint(self._output_files.keys()): raise Exception('an input file and an output file must not have the same name.') if self._failure_mode.interpret_stderr is not None and not self._stderr.capture: raise Exception('cannot interpret stderr if not captured.') if self._failure_mode.interpret_stdout is not None and not self._stdout.capture: raise Exception('cannot interpret stdout if not captured.')
[docs] def with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> 'Process.WithParams': return Process.WithParams(self, params)
[docs]class FileAccessor(object): """Represents a file accessible for reading. """ def __init__(self, name: str, open_path: PrimitivePathType, path: Optional[PrimitivePathType]=None) -> None: self._name: str = name self._open_path: PrimitivePathType = open_path self._path: Optional[PrimitivePathType] = path @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def open_path(self) -> PrimitivePathType: return self._open_path @property def path(self) -> PrimitivePathType: if self._path is None: raise Exception(f'file {self._name} does not have a persistent path') return self._path
[docs] def open_text( self, encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: Optional[str] = None, newline: Optional[str] = None, ) -> TextIOBase: return cast(TextIOBase, open(self._open_path, mode='rt', encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline))
[docs] def open_bytes(self) -> BufferedIOBase: return cast(BufferedIOBase, open(self._open_path, mode='rb'))
[docs]class Result(object): def __init__( self, exit_code: int, stdin: Optional[FileAccessor] = None, stdout: Optional[FileAccessor] = None, stderr: Optional[FileAccessor] = None, input_files: Optional[Dict[str, FileAccessor]] = None, output_files: Optional[Dict[str, FileAccessor]] = None, ) -> None: self._exit_code: int = exit_code self._stdin: Optional[FileAccessor] = stdin self._stdout: Optional[FileAccessor] = stdout self._stderr: Optional[FileAccessor] = stderr self._input_files: Dict[str, FileAccessor] = input_files if input_files is not None else {} self._output_files: Dict[str, FileAccessor] = output_files if output_files is not None else {} @property def exit_code(self) -> int: return self._exit_code @property def stdin(self) -> FileAccessor: if self._stdin is None: raise Exception(f'No file was connected to stdin.') return self._stdin @property def stdout(self) -> FileAccessor: if self._stdout is None: raise Exception(f'Stdout was not captured.') return self._stdout @property def stderr(self) -> FileAccessor: if self._stderr is None: raise Exception(f'Stderr was not captured.') return self._stderr
[docs] def input_file(self, name: str) -> FileAccessor: try: return self._input_files[name] except KeyError: raise Exception(f'There is no input file with the name {name}.')
[docs] def output_file(self, name: str) -> FileAccessor: try: return self._output_files[name] except KeyError: raise Exception(f'There is no output file with the name {name}.')
Retrievable = Callable[[Result], _T] class _DeferredResult(object): @property def exit_code(self) -> Retrievable[int]: def f(r: Result) -> int: return r.exit_code return f @property def stdin(self) -> Retrievable[FileAccessor]: def f(r: Result) -> FileAccessor: return r.stdin return f @property def stdout(self) -> Retrievable[FileAccessor]: def f(r: Result) -> FileAccessor: return r.stdout return f @property def stderr(self) -> Retrievable[FileAccessor]: def f(r: Result) -> FileAccessor: return r.stderr return f def input_file(self, name: str) -> Retrievable[FileAccessor]: def f(r: Result) -> FileAccessor: return r.input_file(name) return f def output_file(self, name: str) -> Retrievable[FileAccessor]: def f(r: Result) -> FileAccessor: return r.output_file(name) return f DeferredResult = _DeferredResult()