Source code for bjec.params

from os import PathLike
from pathlib import PurePath
from typing import (
    Dict as TDict,
    List as TList,
from typing_extensions import Protocol, runtime_checkable


    * Join generalisation?
        Under what circumstances (if every) is str/bytes called on arguments?
    * Complex String type
        Should subsume Join and String.
        Supports concatenation through the ``+`` operator.
        How to integrate with P(), which can evaluate to anything?
        P() could check when __radd__ is called what type the other element
        has and act accordingly... Similarly for the ``/`` operator.
        Join to enable iterator joining like ``''.join()``?
    * Complex Path type.
        Interoperable with path lib.
        Supports concatenation through the ``/`` operator.


    _StrPathLike = PathLike[str]
    _StrPathLike = PathLike

_T = TypeVar('_T')
_T_inner = TypeVar('_T_inner')
_S = TypeVar('_S')
_S_inner = TypeVar('_S_inner')
_T_co = TypeVar('_T_co', covariant=True)
_T_sb = TypeVar('_T_sb', str, bytes)

ParamSet = Mapping[str, Any]

[docs]@runtime_checkable class ParamsEvaluable(Protocol[_T_co]):
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> _T_co: ...
Resolvable = Union[_T, ParamsEvaluable[_T]] ListResolvable = Union[TList[Resolvable[_T]], Resolvable[TList[_T]]] IterableResolvable = Union[Iterable[Resolvable[_T]], Resolvable[Iterable[_T]]] MappingResolvable = Union[Mapping[Resolvable[_T], Resolvable[_S]], Resolvable[Mapping[_T, _S]]] PairsResolvable = Union[Resolvable[Iterable[Tuple[_T, _S]]], Iterable[Resolvable[Tuple[_T, _S]]], Iterable[Tuple[Resolvable[_T], Resolvable[_S]]]]
[docs]def resolve(obj: Resolvable[_T], params: ParamSet) -> _T: try: return cast('ParamsEvaluable[_T]', obj).evaluate_with_params(params) except (AttributeError, TypeError): return cast('_T', obj)
[docs]def resolve_iterable(it: IterableResolvable[_T], params: ParamSet) -> Iterable[_T]: try: return cast('ParamsEvaluable[Iterable[_T]]', it).evaluate_with_params(params) except (AttributeError, TypeError): return (resolve(el, params) for el in cast('Iterable[Resolvable[_T]]', it))
[docs]def resolve_list(it: IterableResolvable[_T], params: ParamSet) -> TList[_T]: return list(resolve_iterable(it, params))
[docs]def resolve_mapping(m: MappingResolvable[_T, _S], params: ParamSet) -> Mapping[_T, _S]: try: return cast('ParamsEvaluable[Mapping[_T, _S]]', m).evaluate_with_params(params) except (AttributeError, TypeError): return { resolve(key, params): resolve(value, params) for key, value in cast('Mapping[Resolvable[_T], Resolvable[_S]]', m).items() }
[docs]def resolve_dict(m: MappingResolvable[_T, _S], params: ParamSet) -> TDict[_T, _S]: return dict(resolve_mapping(m, params))
def _resolve_pairs(pairs: PairsResolvable[_T, _S], params: ParamSet) -> Iterable[Tuple[_T, _S]]: try: return cast('ParamsEvaluable[Iterable[Tuple[_T, _S]]]', pairs).evaluate_with_params(params) except (AttributeError, TypeError): def f(element: Union[Resolvable[Tuple[_T, _S]], Tuple[Resolvable[_T], Resolvable[_S]]]) -> Tuple[_T, _S]: if isinstance(element, tuple): return (resolve(element[0], params), resolve(element[1], params)) else: return element.evaluate_with_params(params) return map(f, cast('Union[Iterable[Resolvable[Tuple[_T, _S]]], Iterable[Tuple[Resolvable[_T], Resolvable[_S]]]]', pairs)) @runtime_checkable class _Transformable(Protocol[_T_co]): def transform(self, params: Callable[[_T_co], _S]) -> ParamsEvaluable[_S]: ...
[docs]def transform(obj: Resolvable[_T], transform_func: Callable[[_T], _S]) -> Resolvable[_S]: if isinstance(obj, ParamsEvaluable): try: return cast('_Transformable[_T]', obj).transform(transform_func) except (AttributeError, TypeError): return _WithMixIn._Transform(obj, transform_func) else: return transform_func(obj)
class _IdentityMixIn(object): def _set_initialisers(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.__args: Tuple[Any, ...] = args self.__kwargs: TDict[str, Any] = kwargs def __repr__(self) -> str: args_str = ', '.join(repr(arg) for arg in self.__args) kwargs_str = ', '.join(f'{key!s}={val!r}' for key, val in self.__kwargs.items()) intialisers = f'{args_str!s}, {kwargs_str!s}' if len(args_str) > 0 and len(kwargs_str) > 0 else f'{args_str!s}{kwargs_str!s}' return f'{self.__class__.__name__!s}({intialisers!s})' def __to_tuple(self) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: return (tuple(self.__args), tuple(self.__kwargs.values())) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, _IdentityMixIn): return NotImplemented if type(other) != type(self): return NotImplemented return other.__to_tuple() == self.__to_tuple() def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.__to_tuple())
[docs]class ParamUnavailable(KeyError):
[docs] @classmethod def wrap_params(cls, params: ParamSet) -> '_CustomKeyErrorMapping': """Returns wrapped ``params`` raising ParamUnavailable on key miss. """ return _CustomKeyErrorMapping(params, exc_type=cls)
class _CustomKeyErrorMapping(Mapping[str, Any]): def __init__(self, params: ParamSet, exc_type: Type[KeyError]=ParamUnavailable) -> None: self._params: ParamSet = params self._exc_type: Type[KeyError] = exc_type def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: try: return self._params[key] except KeyError as e: raise self._exc_type(*e.args) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter(self._params) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._params) def __contains__(self, obj: object) -> bool: return obj in self._params class _WithMixIn(Generic[_T]): # TODO: really don't want to put this method on the object as it adds the # method to any inheriting class. Instead the inheriting class must make # sure that evaluate_with_params(...) is implemented by a type in the # inheritance chain. # The definition is required here though to inform the type checker that # self is ParamsEvaluable. # These definitions do not suffice. # Fails ParamsEvaluable interface for _WithMixIn[_T] # evaluate_with_params: Callable[[ParamSet], _T] # P and other inheriters are fail due to # "Signature of evaluate_with_params incompatible with supertype ..." # evaluate_with_params: Callable[['_WithMixIn[_T]', ParamSet], _T] # Does not suffice def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> _T: try: return cast('ParamsEvaluable[_T]', super(_WithMixIn, self)).evaluate_with_params(params) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError( f'evaluate_with_params(...) is not properly implemented within the inheritance chain of {self!r}' ) class _Transform(Generic[_T_inner, _S_inner]): def __init__(self, evaluable: ParamsEvaluable[_T_inner], transform_func: Callable[[_T_inner], _S_inner]) -> None: self._evaluable: ParamsEvaluable[_T_inner] = evaluable self._transform_func: Callable[[_T_inner], _S_inner] = transform_func def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> _S_inner: return self._transform_func(self._evaluable.evaluate_with_params(params)) def transform(self, transform_func: Callable[[_S_inner], _S]) -> '_WithMixIn._Transform[_S_inner, _S]': return _WithMixIn._Transform(self, transform_func) def default(self, default: _S) -> '_WithMixIn._Default[_S_inner, _S]': return _WithMixIn._Default(self, default) class _Default(Generic[_T_inner, _S_inner]): def __init__(self, evaluable: ParamsEvaluable[_T_inner], default: _S_inner) -> None: self._evaluable: ParamsEvaluable[_T_inner] = evaluable self._default: _S_inner = default def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> Union[_T_inner, _S_inner]: try: return self._evaluable.evaluate_with_params(ParamUnavailable.wrap_params(params)) except ParamUnavailable: return self._default def transform(self, transform_func: Callable[[Union[_T_inner, _S_inner]], _S]) -> '_WithMixIn._Transform[Union[_T_inner, _S_inner], _S]': return _WithMixIn._Transform(self, transform_func) def default(self, default: _S) -> '_WithMixIn._Default[Union[_T_inner, _S_inner], _S]': return _WithMixIn._Default(self, default) def transform(self, transform_func: Callable[[_T], _S]) -> '_WithMixIn._Transform[_T, _S]': return _WithMixIn._Transform(self, transform_func) def default(self, default: _S) -> '_WithMixIn._Default[_T, _S]': return _WithMixIn._Default(self, default)
[docs]class P(_IdentityMixIn, _WithMixIn[_T], Generic[_T]): """Wrapper to allow intuitive parameter inclusion. P instances represent a 'future' parameter value, every instance contains the `key` of the parameter in the `params` dict. Each instance evaluates to the corresponding parameter's value. Other modules may accept `P` objects or lists containing `P` objects. These are then evaluated for every parameter set. Example: :: Environment.Fluid().set(CPUS=P('n_cpus')) Args: key: Parameter (key of the parameter in the `params`) dict. """ def __init__(self, key: str) -> None: self._key: str = key self._set_initialisers(key)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> _T: return cast('_T', params[self._key])
[docs]class Join(_IdentityMixIn, _WithMixIn[_T_sb], Generic[_T_sb]): """String / Bytes Join for lists containing ParamsEvaluable objects. The type of output is determined by the type of the `sep` argument. If the output should be a ``str``, ``str(.)`` will be called on each list element (in `*args`). If the output should be of type ``bytes``, the user has to ensure that each of the list elements are of ``bytes`` type and that ``ParamsEvaluable(.)`` returns a ``bytes`` object. Example: :: Join("out.", P("n"), ".csv") Args: *args: Elements to join, may be instances of ParamsEvaluable classes. sep: Separator used to join elements of `*args`. Must have the type of the output, i.e. if the output should be of a ``bytes`` type, ``sep`` must be as well. Defaults to ``''`` (str). """ def __init__(self, *args: Union[_T_sb, ParamsEvaluable[_T_sb]], sep: Optional[_T_sb]=None) -> None: self._args: Tuple[Union[_T_sb, ParamsEvaluable[_T_sb]], ...] = args self._sep: _T_sb = sep if sep is not None else cast('_T_sb', '') self._set_initialisers(*args, sep=self._sep)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> _T_sb: return self._sep.join(resolve_iterable(self._args, params))
[docs]class Call(_IdentityMixIn, _WithMixIn[_T], Generic[_T]): """Calls a function with ParamsEvaluable arguments. ``Call`` can also be used to instantiate objects, as this happens in the same way a function is called. Example: :: Call(Concatenate, file_path=Join("out.", P("n"), ".data"), close_files=True) Args: func: Function to be called. *args: Variable arguments passed to the class constructor. May contain ``ParamsEvaluable`` elements. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the class constructor. May contain ``ParamsEvaluable`` values. """ def __init__(self, func: Callable[..., _T], *args: Resolvable[Any], **kwargs: Resolvable[Any]) -> None: self._func: Callable[..., _T] = func self._args: Tuple[Resolvable[Any], ...] = args self._kwargs: TDict[str, Resolvable[Any]] = kwargs self._set_initialisers(func, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> _T: args = list(resolve_iterable(self._args, params)) kwargs = { key: resolve(value, params) for key, value in self._kwargs.items() } return self._func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Lambda(_IdentityMixIn, _WithMixIn[_T], Generic[_T]): """Calls a function with the params dict as the only argument. Convenient way to compute values based on parameters using a lambda expression. Example: :: Lambda(lambda p: p['alpha'] / p['beta']) Args: func: Function to be called on evaluation. The params dict is passed as the only argument. """ def __init__(self, func: Callable[[ParamSet], _T]) -> None: self._func: Callable[[ParamSet], _T] = func self._set_initialisers(func)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> _T: return self._func(params)
[docs]class String(_WithMixIn[str]): """Utility to construct complex strings depending on parameters. Example: :: P('lambda') + String.Format('.{mu}.') + String.Conditional(lambda p: 'sigma' in p, P('sigma')) """ class _Part(_IdentityMixIn): def __add__(self, other: 'Union[String, Resolvable[str]]') -> 'String': return String() + self + other def __radd__(self, other: 'Union[String, Resolvable[str]]') -> 'String': return String() + other + self def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> str: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class Literal(_Part): def __init__(self, s: Resolvable[str]) -> None: self._s: Resolvable[str] = s self._set_initialisers(s)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> str: return resolve(self._s, params)
[docs] class Conditional(_Part): def __init__(self, condition: Callable[[ParamSet], bool], s: Resolvable[str]) -> None: self._condition: Callable[[ParamSet], bool] = condition self._s: Resolvable[str] = s self._set_initialisers(condition, s)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> str: if self._condition(params): return resolve(self._s, params) else: return ''
[docs] class Format(_Part): """Expands a format string with the params dict on evaluation. Example: :: String.Format('--nprocs={n}') Args: format_str: String which is expanded with the params dict values using ``str.format()``. **resolvables: `Resolvable`s which are resolved and made available as ``{name}`` (the argument's name) during ``str.format()`` evaluation. """ def __init__(self, format_str: str, **resolvables: Resolvable[str]) -> None: self._format_str: str = format_str self._resolvables: TDict[str, Resolvable[str]] = resolvables self._set_initialisers(format_str, **resolvables)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> str: extended_params = dict(params) for name, obj in self._resolvables: extended_params[name] = resolve(obj, params) return self._format_str.format(**extended_params)
def __init__(self) -> None: self._parts: TList[String._Part] = []
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> str: return ''.join(part.evaluate_with_params(params) for part in self._parts)
def __add__(self, other: 'Union[String, Resolvable[str]]') -> 'String': if isinstance(other, String): return String._with_parts(self._parts + other._parts) if isinstance(other, String._Part): other_list: TList[String._Part] = [other] return String._with_parts(self._parts + other_list) if isinstance(other, (str, ParamsEvaluable)): wrapped: String._Part = String.Literal(other) return String._with_parts(self._parts + [wrapped]) return NotImplemented def __radd__(self, other: 'Union[String, Resolvable[str]]') -> 'String': if isinstance(other, String): return String._with_parts(other._parts + self._parts) if isinstance(other, String._Part): other_list: TList[String._Part] = [other] return String._with_parts(other_list + self._parts) if isinstance(other, (str, ParamsEvaluable)): wrapped: String._Part = String.Literal(other) return String._with_parts(self._parts + [wrapped]) return NotImplemented def __repr__(self) -> str: parts_str = ', '.join(repr(part) for part in self._parts) return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({parts_str})' def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, String): return NotImplemented return other._parts == self._parts @classmethod def _with_parts(cls, parts: 'Iterable[String._Part]') -> 'String': l = String() l._parts = list(parts) return l
_PurePathable = Union[_StrPathLike, str]
[docs]class Path(_WithMixIn[PurePath]): """Utility to construct complex paths depending on parameters with pathlib. Example: :: Path.Literal(base_dir) / P('scenario') / Path.Conditional(lambda p: 'sub_scenario' in p, P('sub_scenario')) / Path.Format('{case}.csv') """ class _Part(_IdentityMixIn): def __truediv__(self, other: 'Union[Path, Resolvable[_PurePathable]]') -> 'Path': return Path() / self / other def __rtruediv__(self, other: 'Union[Path, Resolvable[_PurePathable]]') -> 'Path': return Path() / other / self def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> PurePath: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class Literal(_Part): def __init__(self, s: Resolvable[Union[_PurePathable]]) -> None: self._s: Resolvable[_PurePathable] = s self._set_initialisers(s)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> PurePath: resolved = resolve(self._s, params) if isinstance(resolved, PurePath): return resolved else: return PurePath(cast(_PurePathable, resolved))
[docs] class Conditional(_Part): def __init__(self, condition: Callable[[ParamSet], bool], s: Resolvable[_PurePathable]) -> None: self._condition: Callable[[ParamSet], bool] = condition self._s: Resolvable[_PurePathable] = s self._set_initialisers(condition, s)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> PurePath: if self._condition(params): resolved = resolve(self._s, params) if isinstance(resolved, PurePath): return resolved else: return PurePath(cast(_PurePathable, resolved)) else: return PurePath()
[docs] class Format(_Part): """Expands a format string with the params dict on evaluation. Example: :: Path.Format('{case}.csv') Args: format_str: Path which is expanded with the params dict values using ``str.format()``. **resolvables: `Resolvable`s which are resolved and made available as ``{name}`` (the argument's name) during ``str.format()`` evaluation. """ def __init__(self, format_str: str, **resolvables: Resolvable[str]) -> None: self._format_str: str = format_str self._resolvables: TDict[str, Resolvable[str]] = resolvables self._set_initialisers(format_str, **resolvables)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> PurePath: extended_params = dict(params) for name, obj in self._resolvables: extended_params[name] = resolve(obj, params) return PurePath(self._format_str.format(**extended_params))
def __init__(self) -> None: self._parts: TList[Path._Part] = []
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> PurePath: return PurePath(*(part.evaluate_with_params(params) for part in self._parts))
def __truediv__(self, other: 'Union[Path, Resolvable[_PurePathable]]') -> 'Path': if isinstance(other, Path): return Path._with_parts(self._parts + other._parts) if isinstance(other, Path._Part): other_list: TList[Path._Part] = [other] return Path._with_parts(self._parts + other_list) if isinstance(other, (str, ParamsEvaluable)): wrapped: Path._Part = Path.Literal(other) return Path._with_parts(self._parts + [wrapped]) return NotImplemented # type: ignore[no-any-return] # This issue has since been fixed def __rtruediv__(self, other: 'Union[Path, Resolvable[_PurePathable]]') -> 'Path': if isinstance(other, Path): return Path._with_parts(other._parts + self._parts) if isinstance(other, Path._Part): other_list: TList[Path._Part] = [other] return Path._with_parts(other_list + self._parts) if isinstance(other, (str, ParamsEvaluable)): wrapped: Path._Part = Path.Literal(other) return Path._with_parts(self._parts + [wrapped]) return NotImplemented # type: ignore[no-any-return] # This issue has since been fixed def __repr__(self) -> str: parts_str = ', '.join(repr(part) for part in self._parts) return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({parts_str})' def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Path): return NotImplemented return other._parts == self._parts @classmethod def _with_parts(cls, parts: 'Iterable[Path._Part]') -> 'Path': l = Path() l._parts = list(parts) return l
[docs]class List(_WithMixIn[TList[_T]], Generic[_T]): """Utility to construct complex lists depending on parameters. Example: :: ['--mu', P('mu')] + List.Conditional(lambda p: 'sigma' in p, ['--sigma', P('sigma')]) + ['-'] """ class _Part(_IdentityMixIn, Generic[_T_inner]): def __add__(self, other: 'Union[List[_T_inner], IterableResolvable[_T_inner]]') -> 'List[_T_inner]': return cast('List[_T_inner]', List()) + self + other def __radd__(self, other: 'Union[List[_T_inner], IterableResolvable[_T_inner]]') -> 'List[_T_inner]': return cast('List[_T_inner]', List()) + other + self def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> Iterable[_T_inner]: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class Literal(_Part[_T_inner]): def __init__(self, it: IterableResolvable[_T_inner]) -> None: self._it: IterableResolvable[_T_inner] = ensure_multi_iterable(it) self._set_initialisers(it)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> Iterable[_T_inner]: return resolve_iterable(self._it, params)
[docs] class Conditional(_Part[_T_inner]): def __init__(self, condition: Callable[[ParamSet], bool], it: IterableResolvable[_T_inner]) -> None: self._condition: Callable[[ParamSet], bool] = condition self._it: IterableResolvable[_T_inner] = ensure_multi_iterable(it) self._set_initialisers(condition, it)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> Iterable[_T_inner]: if self._condition(params): return resolve_iterable(self._it, params) else: return []
def __init__(self) -> None: self._parts: TList[List._Part[_T]] = []
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> TList[_T]: return [v for part in self._parts for v in part.evaluate_with_params(params)]
def __add__(self, other: 'Union[List[_T], IterableResolvable[_T]]') -> 'List[_T]': if isinstance(other, List): return List._with_parts(self._parts + other._parts) if isinstance(other, List._Part): other_list: TList[List._Part[_T]] = [other] return List._with_parts(self._parts + other_list) wrapped: List._Part[_T] = List.Literal(other) return List._with_parts(self._parts + [wrapped]) def __radd__(self, other: 'Union[List[_T], IterableResolvable[_T]]') -> 'List[_T]': if isinstance(other, List): return List._with_parts(other._parts + self._parts) if isinstance(other, List._Part): other_list: TList[List._Part[_T]] = [other] return List._with_parts(other_list + self._parts) wrapped: List._Part[_T] = List.Literal(other) return List._with_parts([wrapped] + self._parts) def __repr__(self) -> str: parts_str = ', '.join(repr(part) for part in self._parts) return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({parts_str})' def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, List): return NotImplemented return other._parts == self._parts @classmethod def _with_parts(cls, parts: 'Iterable[List._Part[_T]]') -> 'List[_T]': l: List[_T] = List() l._parts = list(parts) return l
[docs]def ensure_multi_iterable(it: IterableResolvable[_T]) -> IterableResolvable[_T]: """Returns a multi-iterable variant of it. An iterator is a valid iterable but can only be iterated once. This function creates a semantic copy of ``it`` which can be iterated many times. If ``it`` fulfills the ``ParamsEvaluable`` protocol, it is assumed that multi-iteration is supported and ``it`` is returned as is. If ``it`` fulfills the ``Sequence`` ABC, multi-iteration is supported and ``it`` is returned as is. Otherwise, ``it`` is read into a list which is then returned. """ if isinstance(it, ParamsEvaluable): return it if isinstance(it, Sequence): return it return list(it)
[docs]class Dict(_WithMixIn[TDict[_T, _S]], Generic[_T, _S]): """Utility to construct complex dictionaries depending on parameters. Example: :: {'--mu': P('mu')} + Dict.Conditional(lambda p: 'sigma' in p, {'--sigma': P('sigma')}) + {P('extra_key'): P('extra_value')} Todo: * Unsetting keys? """ class _Part(_IdentityMixIn, Generic[_T_inner, _S_inner]): def __add__(self, other: 'Union[Dict[_T_inner, _S_inner], MappingResolvable[_T_inner, _S_inner]]') -> 'Dict[_T_inner, _S_inner]': return cast('Dict[_T_inner, _S_inner]', Dict()) + self + other def __radd__(self, other: 'Union[Dict[_T_inner, _S_inner], MappingResolvable[_T_inner, _S_inner]]') -> 'Dict[_T_inner, _S_inner]': return cast('Dict[_T_inner, _S_inner]', Dict()) + other + self def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> Mapping[_T_inner, _S_inner]: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class Literal(_Part[_T_inner, _S_inner]): def __init__(self, m: MappingResolvable[_T_inner, _S_inner]) -> None: self._m: MappingResolvable[_T_inner, _S_inner] = m self._set_initialisers(m)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> Mapping[_T_inner, _S_inner]: return resolve_mapping(self._m, params)
[docs] class Conditional(_Part[_T_inner, _S_inner]): def __init__(self, condition: Callable[[ParamSet], bool], m: MappingResolvable[_T_inner, _S_inner]) -> None: self._condition: Callable[[ParamSet], bool] = condition self._m: MappingResolvable[_T_inner, _S_inner] = m self._set_initialisers(condition, m)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> Mapping[_T_inner, _S_inner]: if self._condition(params): return resolve_mapping(self._m, params) else: return {}
[docs] class Pairs(_Part[_T_inner, _S_inner]): def __init__(self, it: IterableResolvable[Tuple[_T_inner, _S_inner]]) -> None: self._it: IterableResolvable[Tuple[_T_inner, _S_inner]] = ensure_multi_iterable(it) self._set_initialisers(it)
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> Mapping[_T_inner, _S_inner]: return dict(_resolve_pairs(self._it, params))
def __init__(self) -> None: self._parts: TList[Dict._Part[_T, _S]] = []
[docs] def evaluate_with_params(self, params: ParamSet) -> TDict[_T, _S]: return { key: value for part in self._parts for key, value in part.evaluate_with_params(params).items() }
def __add__(self, other: 'Union[Dict[_T, _S], MappingResolvable[_T, _S]]') -> 'Dict[_T, _S]': if isinstance(other, Dict): return Dict._with_parts(self._parts + other._parts) if isinstance(other, Dict._Part): other_dict: TList[Dict._Part[_T, _S]] = [other] return Dict._with_parts(self._parts + other_dict) wrapped: Dict._Part[_T, _S] = Dict.Literal(other) return Dict._with_parts(self._parts + [wrapped]) def __radd__(self, other: 'Union[Dict[_T, _S], MappingResolvable[_T, _S]]') -> 'Dict[_T, _S]': if isinstance(other, Dict): return Dict._with_parts(other._parts + self._parts) if isinstance(other, Dict._Part): other_dict: TList[Dict._Part[_T, _S]] = [other] return Dict._with_parts(other_dict + self._parts) wrapped: Dict._Part[_T, _S] = Dict.Literal(other) return Dict._with_parts([wrapped] + self._parts) def __repr__(self) -> str: parts_str = ', '.join(repr(part) for part in self._parts) return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({parts_str})' def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Dict): return NotImplemented return other._parts == self._parts @classmethod def _with_parts(cls, parts: 'Iterable[Dict._Part[_T, _S]]') -> 'Dict[_T, _S]': l: Dict[_T, _S] = Dict() l._parts = list(parts) return l