Source code for bjec.generator

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import itertools
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, Tuple

from .params import ParamSet

[docs]class Generator(ABC): """Produces parameter sets. A top-level generator produces fully specified parameter sets. Each such parameter set results in an independent invocation or execution when processed by a :obj:`Processor`. So-called higher-level generators take other generators on input and combine the produced parameter sets in specific ways. The ``Generator`` ABC is basically a standard python iterable, i.e. the ``__iter__`` method has to be defined and return an iterator. """ @abstractmethod def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[ParamSet]: """Returns an iterator over the produced parameter sets. **Must** be implemented by inheriting classes. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class Literal(Generator): def __init__(self, **params: Any) -> None: super(Literal, self).__init__() self._param_set: Dict[str, Any] = params def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[ParamSet]: return iter([self._param_set])
[docs]class Matrix(Generator): def __init__(self, **params: Iterable[Any]) -> None: super(Matrix, self).__init__() self._params: Dict[str, Iterable[Any]] = params def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[ParamSet]: return ( dict(zip(self._params.keys(), values)) for values in itertools.product(*self._params.values()) )
[docs]class Repeat(Generator): def __init__(self, generator: Generator, n: int) -> None: super(Repeat, self).__init__() self._generator: Generator = generator self._n: int = n def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[ParamSet]: """ Roughly equivalent to:: for params in self._generator: for _ in range(self._n): yield params """ return itertools.chain.from_iterable( (itertools.repeat(params, self._n) for params in self._generator) )
[docs]class Chain(Generator): def __init__(self, *generators: Generator) -> None: super(Chain, self).__init__() self._generators: Tuple[Generator, ...] = generators def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[ParamSet]: return itertools.chain(*self._generators)
[docs]class Product(Generator): def __init__(self, *generators: Generator) -> None: super(Product, self).__init__() self._generators: Tuple[Generator, ...] = generators def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[ParamSet]: return ( dict(itertools.chain.from_iterable( params.items() for params in param_sets )) for param_sets in itertools.product(*self._generators) )
[docs]class FromIterable(Generator): def __init__(self, it: Iterable[ParamSet]) -> None: super(FromIterable, self).__init__() self._it: Iterable[ParamSet] = it def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[ParamSet]: return iter(self._it)